About Us

Founded in 1999 as a registered charity, the Dialogue Society is an organisation of research and civic engagement working to develop and deliver new ideas for dynamic, effective and meaningful dialogue to advance intercultural dialogue, community cohesion and proactive citizenship. While its diverse current activities include everything from Round Table Discussions and seminars to cultural exchanges, its roots are in dialogue at the community level.

In the course of its work the Dialogue Society became aware of a need within the British Muslim community for resources to support Friday prayers.

We felt that it could be of service to provide an online “one-stop shop” for Friday sermons. We hope that these sermons on a range of Islamic matters will give any brother called upon to give a Friday sermon the confidence to do so.

In the “leading Friday Prayers” section of the site you will find the dua in both Arabic and in a transliterated form, with an accompanying translation. We hope that this too will increase the confidence of some brothers leading the prayers.

In addition to the sermons on general Islamic themes we will shortly be uploading topical sermons relevant to UK current affairs. New topical sermons will be added at regular intervals, helping brothers to bring the wisdom of Islam to issues affecting the society of which they are a part.

If you would like to learn more about the Dialogue Society, please visit our website at www.dialoguesociety.org.
The sermons have been produced with the support of the Mevlana Rumi Mosque and Dialogue Centre.